Friday, December 13, 2013

The Season of Advent: A Hidden Light

Over the next few weeks, the candles on the Advent wreath will continue to be lit-- one by one, as each Sunday brings us closer to Christmas. It's the liturgical season of Advent, which means purple vestments, Advent wreathes, and frequent renditions of O Come, O Come Emmanuel. But that's not all Advent is about! This is the Church's time-- our time-- to prepare for the coming of Jesus. The Word made Flesh comes to dwell among us!

As we plunge deeper and deeper in to the heart of winter, darkness falls earlier, and the days grow short. How beautifully fitting then, that we have this beautiful liturgical season of Advent that progressively brings more light in to our lives, until at last...! The child Jesus comes, blazing with brightness and joy on Christmas day.

Okay, metaphor time!

Often, we too can find ourselves in darkness. Living the faith seems hard, going to Mass might feel like a chore, and God seems distant. Maybe life just doesn't make a lot of sense. But from Advent, we can learn a beautiful lesson about the beauty and goodness that can come out of this confusion.

From Jesus, we learn that the darkness has purpose-- it is not a time of distance, we have not been abandoned!-- it is a time of growth, of being enriched, in a still, quiet, hidden place. Like a seed first planted in the dark soil, or Jesus, growing in the warmth and solitude of Mary's womb, hidden from the world, we too have the light of Christ within us, but at times hidden even from our own eyes. It is not absent; we just cannot see or feel it!

Week by week, just as light is added to another candle on the wreath, our hearts grow in preparedness to receive the Lord-- to see the darkness vanish, and be filled with understanding and light. These tiny, pinpricks of light that we grow in awareness of throughout this season-- especially if we are in a point of confusion, darkness, or frustration-- will eventually blaze in to the great flame of Jesus Christ... love, burning in our hearts!

Now, it's your turn to think more about this. How do you see this light of Advent growing in your life right now?

You can use the scripture below to think about it more, and feel free to share your insights with your fellow campers in the comments! And why not share this with the world while you're at it?! :)

"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5

"Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Giving Thanks!


Here is a Thanksgiving-themed video that offers a recap of what your Camp Wojtyla missionaries have been up to in October and November. Of course, this is a little late for Thanksgiving, but the Christian life is one of giving thanks every day (Eucharist= Thanksgiving!) so let this be a reminder to be filled with gratitude EACH and EVERY day!

Be assured we are grateful for each of you!

Follow Keenan's challenge, and don't forget to look out for a mediation on Advent, coming later this week! :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What are you doing this summer?!

Teepees, starry nights, base camp, alpine starts, rock climbing, Longview Masses, backcountry backpacking, bunny-bunny, Quest!, trading post, Sherpa silliness, sasquatch, white water rafting, Italian Night... what Camp Wojtyla activity do you miss the most?

Don't worry! Camp Wojtyla misses you too. Lucky for all of us, camper registration for Summer 2014 is NOW OPEN!

Spots are filling up fast, so invite a friend and ask your parents to register you at TODAY!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

You can call us Dr. Keenan and Dr. Allie

Yes, it is official, Allie and I have received our Wilderness First Responder certifications! This doesn't quite make us doctors, but we are now equipped to handle any range of backcountry medical emergencies... though we hope we won't have to share these skills with all those at Camp! ;)

Your crazy Camp Missionaries.

Speaking of Camp, we have some incredible events coming up.

This Sunday the 13th from 1-5 at Rock'n Jam'n 2 we will be indoor rock climbing. This will be a great Sunday afternoon activity and would love for you all to join us. It is located at 7390 S Fraser St Unit E. Centennial, CO 80112.

Next Friday the 18th we will be climbing at the same place from 6-9 p.m. Once again, another great weekend activity for the kids and families.

There are still several spots open for the mother/daughter trip in Crested Butte, Colorado from October 18th-20th please let us know if you are interested!

Finally, this is now the ONE blog that we will post videos and updates on. Please let your kids know that they can find all Camp Wojtyla updates here from now on.

Soon to be posted.. WFR Survival Skills 101!

Have a blessed weekend!

Middle School Boys

Sherpa and Sisterhood

What is a sherpa?